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by | Mar 22, 2022

The signs that help us suspect that someone has hearing loss are the following:

  • The hard of hearing person usually asks others to repeat.
  • Has difficulty following conversations when the environment is noisy.
  • It is especially difficult when he is in conversations with many people.
  • There is difficulty in understanding children's and women's voices.
  • He hears the speech, but does not understand all the words correctly.
  • There is difficulty hearing high-frequency sounds such as a ringing telephone.
  • The hard of hearing person thinks that the interlocutors are not speaking clearly.
  • He watches television at a volume that is too loud to disturb others.


Presbycusis is a condition analogous to presbyopia. It is the aging of the hearing nerves.

Because presbyacusis occurs gradually, the brain gets used to the situation and thus the hard of hearing takes time to notice the loss of hearing. Most of the time, the relatives notice that the hard-of-hearing person puts the television on loud, misinterprets what is said to him, does not hear the phone, the bell, and complains that he hears the voices but does not separate the words.

The general sensation given by presbyacusia is that hearing reaches the patient's ears dull and distorted. The most frequent treatment of the problem is with a hearing aid where the goal of the hearing aid is to restore the problem. Thus, the person wearing the hearing aid regains his self-confidence and self-esteem, facilitating his social relationships at the same time.

Hearing loss affects 500 million people worldwide.

As noise levels in everyday life increase and prolonged exposure to noise pollution is inevitable, the number of hard of hearing people continues to grow. Most of the time, family and friends first notice that there is a hearing problem in their own person. On the other hand, the hard-of-hearing becomes aware of his problem approximately 3 years after its onset, as the decrease in hearing ability goes unnoticed due to the gradual development.

Meanwhile, the social and emotional disturbances caused create problems in everyday life as the deaf avoid social contacts as they find it difficult to understand what their interlocutors are talking about.

People with hearing loss realize how much they have lost their hearing by the time they seek help.