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How much does a Hearing Aid cost?

by | Mar 22, 2022

Hearing aid prices are something that concerns most potential users.

The point, of course, is that these values ​​cannot be specific before we consider some factors that affect them.

For example:

  • The type of handset.
  • The sampling level of the sounds that the aid is going to handle.
  • How incoming frequencies are processed.
  • The coverage range of hearing loss.
  • The automatic selection of operating programs in relation to the environment.
  • The possibility of multiple connections with external devices.
  • The ability to charge.
  • Also his age, the patient's skills, his individualized needs, the particularities of his work and many more factors that are likely to arise from the uniqueness of each person.
Κόστος Ακουστικών Βαρηκοΐας

By extension choosing the right hearing aids is a complex process and not just the purchase of a product.

It is worth mentioning that the insurance fund of the patient (EOPYY) subsidizes the purchase of a hearing aid with €450.